Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Heart of a World Changer

What is your dream? If you could do anything,what would you do?
If you could be anything what would you be?

While you ponder on that question...lets look at the Word together. Psalm 139:16 says, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Interesting huh? As you ponder over what your dream is...know God has big dreams for your life. He knows you better than anyone else. He knows what will make you come alive. He knows what will give you deeper joy.

Here's where some of us (okay most of us at some point in time in our lives) struggle. We need our dreams for our life to match His dreams for our life. The second part of Psalm 37:4-the second part-is often quoted, "and he will give you the desires of your heart." The first part is often not-"Delight yourself in the Lord." When you delight yourself in the Lord (hang out with Him, honor Him, worship Him, give Him your everything) your desires line up with His desires. Also, Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse most of us could quote, but lets look at the two verses that follow it, "vs.11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. vs.12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. vs. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart."

So what is God's dream for your life? HE WANTS YOU TO BE A WORLD CHANGER.

God uses ordinary people-All throughout history he used ordinary people, often teenagers to change the world. GOD WANTS TO USE YOU!

We have two choices. We can live for ourselves or live for God. If you choose to live for God-your mandate is to be a world changer.

So what makes you a world changer? You don't run from things--you run to things. Obviously this doesn't mean you run to and partake in sin, but you believe your prayers matter as you pray for these things. You must guard yourself, but believe you were created to be light to darkness.

Being a world changer is not about being a superstar. To be a world changer you must set your heart on certain things. Let's briefly look at them together. In the weeks to come we will learn more about each one of these characteristics of being a world changer.

  1. Intimacy with Jesus: Getting to know Jesus. Falling in love with Him.
  2. Wholehearted Worship: It's all about the heart. It happens on the inside-not the outside.
  3. Confidence in Identity: Don't care what everyone else says. You only care about Who God says you are.
  4. Awareness of God's Presence: Holy Spirit living in us. We don't have to beg for Him to be with us. We have an awareness that His Holy Spirit lives in us.
  5. Being filled with the Holy Spirit: Everyday-we empty ourselves and invite Him in.
  6. No compromise-Life of holiness and surrender: You will not tolerate darkness at all. You will not dabble in sin. You pay attention to the music you listen to, the books you read, how you spend your time, etc.
  7. Lifestyle of prayer and fasting: Spend your life praying-not to earn favor, but to sensitise your heart.
  8. Brokenness for people: Don't look at people with judgement. You have a genuine care for them.
  9. Burden for revival and awakening: You want to see it!
  10. Supernatural ministry in power and authority: For example, treasure hunts. He is going to release you to do greater things.

Bottom line--How do you become a world changer? Start asking God-What is on your heart? What is your heart for my school? What is your heart for so and so? My family? What is your heart for my youth group? What is your heart for my city? God will show you His heart for your situation-here is what you must grab hold of-You should feel a burden (burden=a burning pain in your heart for God's Kingdom...when your heart says, it is not okay!!!) so, you should feel a burden between the current situation and God's heart for a new situation. HE WILL BEGIN TO GIVE YOU HIS HEART.

What an exciting mandate God has on our lives. Enjoy Him this week. Enjoy seeking His face. We look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday night @ 6:30pm to see where God takes us.

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